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Product Reviews posted by JohnAndrewHall

    BF 4 [Lifetime]

    5.00 USD 15.00 USD

    I`m gonna start by saying I love MaverickCheats in its whole. Been a member now for a year and cant complain about anything. 

    The Support I got from BF 4 related questions and problems where always resolved by nice staff.

    The BF4 Cheat is a nice thing to have if you just wanna play and not worry about other players.

    The features are great and not to crazy and work perfectly if you know what each one does.

    Never got detected, never got banned from any servers ( of course you shouldnt do it to obivious like with any onther cheat keep it small and simple).

    So yeah in my opinion this is worth the 5 Stars and the Money I paid for it. I know BF4 is older but you would be suprised to see how many still play it.

    Well that`s about it 10/10 product, good Support and never had any major issues.


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