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  1. You need an option to tp people to you. Not the other way around. Tp is only good if you need to go to them.... Also can you add more options to drop money bags? It can only go to one person but I want to do at least 5 people at once! / droppings person at once. I really need tp people to you and the money bag drops(5) / goes on more than one person at a time. Thank You. Plz add this options very soon because a lot of people want this added. One last thing why is this on the website if this is not planned? It says your working on it but you say it's not planned. The not very good if you detract what you said... Thank You for your time ! :) Give Wanted Level {In development} Give RP {In development} Give Never Wanted {In development} Give Health {In development} Give Armor {In development} Give Vehicle {In development} Attach to Player {In development} Attach Clone {In development} Attach Ped {In development} Attach Vehicle {In development} Attach 69 {In development} Attach pig {In development} Detach All {In development} Animate Player {In development} Unfreeze Player {In development} Send Assassins {In development} Send Police {In development}
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