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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/18 in all areas

  1. We are collecting ideas on how we can improve the VIP menu, we will only consider popular/ heavily requested and reasonable suggestions... Currently planned: ESP Configs & keybinds Model changer Stat changer Remote model changer
    1 point
  2. can you add the feature to throw different models? (like how you can throw vehicles, I wanna be able to throw chimps or labradors or cougars or sharks, etc, especially goats if there is any) or make a radius of dogs or chimps follow the other player, I would love the ability to be able to play music in game but idk if that's possible with client to server interaction, a better gravity gun (like if you shoot a player or car, it will blow it away, and it's gravity will decrease making it look like it's floating) a brokedown list of what i just said: - throw models (characters, peds, animals) - follow user (with model NPC selection) - play music in game externally - better gravity gun - model changer that works with all models even if wanting to change
    1 point
  3. You simply click "spectate" again, it's like an on/off switch
    1 point
    gta 5 cheats works just fine. Maybe you could add a bit more options?
    1 point
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