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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/16/18 in all areas
249 points
20 points
Installation: Download and Install our Launcher from the Downloads section. Buy our GTA 5 [VIP] Cheat from our Store if you don't own it already. Disable, Uninstall or Exclude our Software and Folder from your AntiVirus's. Run our Launcher executable, expand the Side Menu List and click GTA 5 [VIP]. Click Launch. Launch your game once you see a Message Box that specifies the actions were successful or completed. Pressing 'Insert' in-game should pull up an Internal Menu that provides you the ability to manage and use our Cheat. Details: The Cheat offers many features such as Trolling, Protection from other Cheats, God Mode, Recovery Features and 100's of other features. We currently don't offer the option to 'save' your cheat configuration so take notes in your mind what you typically enable when you first execute the cheat. Media: Stealth Money has been REMOVED16 points
12 points
We are collecting ideas on how we can improve the VIP menu, we will only consider popular/ heavily requested and reasonable suggestions... Currently planned: ESP Configs & keybinds Model changer Stat changer Remote model changer11 points
None of the cheats are working and the logs tab just constantly says "WORLD INVALID: 00"11 points
Hello Maverick Staff. I think its time for at BIG maverick update. Features are getting outdated and some failes. Maverickcheats need more, better and new features. I wish i could help develop, but i cant code shit. Hope you people will check the list, and develop the features. If some of the features, is unstable to develop. Make a checkbox like "Safe mode" just for "Stable options". Then users can decide themself. - Model changer that works with all models even if wanting to change / Modded outfits. - ESP. - Better Teleport. - No delay on Orbital Cannons. - Better Moneydrop / Drop party, spawns moneybag in air in a area for more people. - Teleport other players. - Remaining vehicle TUNE options. - Car mod menu. (Make car snowed) - Boost keybind / Boost other players. - Modded cars. - Put players into bad sport lobbies. - Give other players RP/Stealth Money. - Add new vehicles - ALOT better protection. Other menus, unable to affect with grief MAVERICK users. - IP Spoofer - Find other players IP and PORT. - Better kick (remove explosion and make them disconnect instead.) - Drive on water - Remove water (Moses shit) - Clone other players cars. - Auto protection: Kick, spectate, disconnect, Ip Hider (Hides your ip), and other. - MAP builder, place objects like windmills, ramps and stuff. - Name Changer / Hider - Make it easier to custom menu - Make speedometer in MPH and KPH - ANTI-AFK - Report blocking. - Show other modders. - Make it possible to kick all. - Possible to DDOS (Maybe u can create a checkbox at the launcher, if people verify it, download a third-party program with DDOS) - Animations. - Spawn peds on people. - Custom Keybinds. (Even supports MOUSE buttons) - Weapon Ped/money dropper. - Remove money feature. - Notifikation when people grief you/other. - FRIENDS: Godmode player/car, repair car, upgrade cars, launch cars, boost cars, car spawner (not modded). - Custom Stat changer - Force player animations. - FIX failed Features - Stealth Token. - Kick ALL/ TP ALL - Better troll/grief options. - Message players (Like a Lester mission notification) - Unban (Possible on other menus) - Auto kick people reporting users. - Attach people to peds, cars and other things. - Reveal off radar players - Trails, for cars and players. - ALL cooldown removed (Orbital, CEO, Car selling, casino wheel) - Make it possible to finish bunker research in a second - K/D increase/decreaser. - Freeze players - Name Hider (Killing people(like it just says "Player died" when killing people)) - Spawn ENEMY NPC's at people. (Merrywheather assasins) - Unlimited car speed, Drift mode. - See other Maverick users (Hide VIPS for free users) - Make it possible to attach a proxy file to the menu, for unlimited ips. - Vehicle open doors (Spawned vehicles) Inspiration from other requests, and menus. Regards Muggemanden.11 points
10 points
9 points
Installation: Download and Install our Launcher from the Downloads section. Buy our CSGO [PAID] Cheat from our Store if you don't own it already. Disable, Uninstall or Exclude our Software and Folder from your AntiVirus's. Run the launcher, login and then we recommend that you disable autolaunch on all our cheats. Launch the CSGO (Paid) Cheat, when the Launcher says its been injected. You may continue to the next step. Then run your game from Steam as quick as possible. (You have 60 seconds) After launching the game press insert to open the menu Details: The Cheat offers many features such as Aimbot (toggle Switch, backtrack, No RCS, FOV, Auto shoot and many more). Visuals ( Toggle switch, boxes, Names, Health, bones, weapons, glow and enemy status) Media:7 points
It would be cool to add unlimited orbital cannons (i mean no delay between two shots)7 points
6 points
6 points
can you add the feature to throw different models? (like how you can throw vehicles, I wanna be able to throw chimps or labradors or cougars or sharks, etc, especially goats if there is any) or make a radius of dogs or chimps follow the other player, I would love the ability to be able to play music in game but idk if that's possible with client to server interaction, a better gravity gun (like if you shoot a player or car, it will blow it away, and it's gravity will decrease making it look like it's floating) a brokedown list of what i just said: - throw models (characters, peds, animals) - follow user (with model NPC selection) - play music in game externally - better gravity gun - model changer that works with all models even if wanting to change6 points
According to the website I have 3 HWID resets remaining yet the launcher says I don't have any. I can't reset the HWID in the launcher.5 points
Hello I suggested it a long time again and here a small rework.. The Vehicle settings get reset everytime you jump in a new vehicle and they dont remain if u go back to the old vehicle u weere in before. It would be nice u have the option to save ur settings for the car or atleast keep the settings u have for all the cars. Same for the Weopons. damage multiplyer and force look like to be reseted too if u switch gun. Also the bug that instant relaod doesnt function on rpg and not even in vehicle. And a Horn boost would be nice gooooood old deluxo times ...5 points
Please add a horn boost. Opening the menu everytime you need to boost is kind of annoying.5 points
4 points
Hey, I cannot see any other lists of vehicles for the vehicle spawn menu. It only shows boats and the drop down menu shows nothing else. Was wondering if there was a fix or just a small bug that is being worked on . Thanks4 points
Hallo to the Maverickcheats team, A few days ago I saw the option that I can lounch the (native) [VIP] cheat for GTA but always when the mod menue open up, it instantly closes Thanks for the quick help and answer4 points
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Hello Guys Does anyone nows on the new Menu were is the money option? Regards3 points
I have same Promlem with Von Josefcowan i become this error World invalite... and i have na´t answer to msg from Von Josefcowan3 points
1) First of all, read this topic if you feel ready and able to apply, continue reading 2) Go in the support section, open a new topic and choose the department of which you are applying for; Eg Applying for Discord Moderator should select "Discord Moderator" 3) In the text box, Tell us about yourself, a full presentation about yourself etc.... 4) Fill out the entire form 5) You are done N. B Do not lie, lying would result in a penalty such as, warn/ban and in some cases the removal of the role obtained. Wait for the staff, do not insist and do not contact any staff in private, do this would result in the cancellation of the form. Good luck, everyone. Greetings, MaverickCheats Team3 points
3 points
dam mugg you wrote alot . What I liked to see instead of a safe mode is a stable mode so the game doesnt crash ; Sort of like setting a limit on mods but you can still choose to take off/on . Hot keys like the insert button but for money , teleport, cars, rp , weather etc . Also if its possible to lift time like you said no delay on orb but i want it for heists so i can replay them fast . Also id like to use my controller instead of mouse to use menu.3 points
-Bring back the dope lil external ingame menu again -ped dropper /money gun -key binds for different functions / customizable keybind functions? -key bind for waypoint teleport / teleport to waypoint toggle on\off?3 points
3 points
Fix money drop selection, when you highlight a player name in the menu, and someone joins the session, the highlight moves to another player, and can be frustrating, once you highlight a player it should stay on his/her name whether people join the session or not, also you should be able to highlight more then one name at a time, we should be able to give three people money at the same time or even the whole session if we choose too, giving money individually, isnt fun..3 points
It would be super convenient if you could somehow create a name changer. I've seen it partially pulled off by other menus, and it would be really useful for avoiding getting reported, seeing as I just got banned on my alt account recently.3 points
You guys should add the ability to spawn items like ramps etc. Also the ability to customize cars in the menu like in los santos customs but in the menu itself if you know what I mean.3 points
Can you add feature so we can use a mini gun or the laser gun when we shoot it shoots out money bags3 points
I wanted to suggest an RGB color customization editor for making crazy colors like modded colors in online. Let me know your thoughts, if you would consider it or if anyone else wants to comment on whether they like this or not.3 points
3 points
3 points
teleport all to waypoint teleport player to place/waypoint force dance rp steal, money steal give player vehicle upgrade player car give player off radar, godmode, never wanted,... BLOCK BLAME (so that when you kill someone, your name doesnt show up) and maybe a way to have your name not showup on the playerlist or to make a fake blimp of you somewhere while you are in off radar3 points
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2 points