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50ShadesOfUs last won the day on October 22 2022

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  1. Changelog: - Added AntiAFK
  2. Changelog: - Updated Off Radar - Updated Anti AFK
  3. Change Log: - Updated Money Loop - Updated Off Radar - Updated Anti AFK - RP Loop Removed (VIP Only) (Temporary) - Money Loop Removed (VIP Only) (Temporary)
  4. thanks for your help I did download the file 

  5. change to MP_Character_Male/Female then go to the interaction menu and select a saved outfit
  6. 3 years ago? most likely u got the discontinued version then, thats why
  7. Multi accounts in game is allowed Having Multiple maverick accounts is not allowed
  8. https://maverickcheats.net/community/topic/2684-buy-cheats-at-maverickcheats-with-paypal/
  9. Installation: Download and Install our Launcher from the Downloads section. Disable, Uninstall or Exclude our Software and Folder from your AntiVirus's. Run our Launcher executable, expand the Side Menu List and click Among Us [Free]. Click Launch. Launch your game once you see a Message Box that specifies the actions were successful or completed. Pressing 'Insert' in-game should pull up an Internal Menu that provides you the ability to manage and use our Cheat. Details: The Cheat offers features such as 1s Kill Cooldown Timer, Player list [Shows imposters and Crew Members] and other features. We currently don't offer the option to 'save' your cheat configuration so take notes in your mind what you typically enable when you first execute the cheat. Media: <coming soon>
  10. Note: Addition Requirements take precedence should there be overlap. Global requirements *these global requirements have no effect on recruitment for the development team Have a high knowledge of Maverick Cheats and its rules. Must have overall good behavior, which includes the Forum and Discord. You have sufficient knowledge of the English language. Good communication skills. Resilient, active, flexible, and open-minded. Ability to work in a team and/or under your own supervision. Eager to learn and progress. Be able to accept/give constructive criticism. Additional & Mandatory Requirements Development Team Problem solver. Knowledge of at least one of the following: - C++ - C# - RE Knowledge about player trends in Maverick that would help when planning content. Examples of your previous projects or proof of your ability in one of the above fields. 1 Year of Experience Minimum Discord Only - Moderator Soon Support - Team Soon
  11. When u create a proper support ticket, we don't provide support in sub threads
  12. The point of hwid lock is to prevent multi device usage, if we give infinite hwid resets, whats the point of implementing the system
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