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Muggemanden last won the day on March 26 2020

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  1. LSC and Model outfit changer is highly recommended to dev.
  2. Hello Maverick Staff. I think its time for at BIG maverick update. Features are getting outdated and some failes. Maverickcheats need more, better and new features. I wish i could help develop, but i cant code shit. Hope you people will check the list, and develop the features. If some of the features, is unstable to develop. Make a checkbox like "Safe mode" just for "Stable options". Then users can decide themself. - Model changer that works with all models even if wanting to change / Modded outfits. - ESP. - Better Teleport. - No delay on Orbital Cannons. - Better Moneydrop / Drop party, spawns moneybag in air in a area for more people. - Teleport other players. - Remaining vehicle TUNE options. - Car mod menu. (Make car snowed) - Boost keybind / Boost other players. - Modded cars. - Put players into bad sport lobbies. - Give other players RP/Stealth Money. - Add new vehicles - ALOT better protection. Other menus, unable to affect with grief MAVERICK users. - IP Spoofer - Find other players IP and PORT. - Better kick (remove explosion and make them disconnect instead.) - Drive on water - Remove water (Moses shit) - Clone other players cars. - Auto protection: Kick, spectate, disconnect, Ip Hider (Hides your ip), and other. - MAP builder, place objects like windmills, ramps and stuff. - Name Changer / Hider - Make it easier to custom menu - Make speedometer in MPH and KPH - ANTI-AFK - Report blocking. - Show other modders. - Make it possible to kick all. - Possible to DDOS (Maybe u can create a checkbox at the launcher, if people verify it, download a third-party program with DDOS) - Animations. - Spawn peds on people. - Custom Keybinds. (Even supports MOUSE buttons) - Weapon Ped/money dropper. - Remove money feature. - Notifikation when people grief you/other. - FRIENDS: Godmode player/car, repair car, upgrade cars, launch cars, boost cars, car spawner (not modded). - Custom Stat changer - Force player animations. - FIX failed Features - Stealth Token. - Kick ALL/ TP ALL - Better troll/grief options. - Message players (Like a Lester mission notification) - Unban (Possible on other menus) - Auto kick people reporting users. - Attach people to peds, cars and other things. - Reveal off radar players - Trails, for cars and players. - ALL cooldown removed (Orbital, CEO, Car selling, casino wheel) - Make it possible to finish bunker research in a second - K/D increase/decreaser. - Freeze players - Name Hider (Killing people(like it just says "Player died" when killing people)) - Spawn ENEMY NPC's at people. (Merrywheather assasins) - Unlimited car speed, Drift mode. - See other Maverick users (Hide VIPS for free users) - Make it possible to attach a proxy file to the menu, for unlimited ips. - Vehicle open doors (Spawned vehicles) Inspiration from other requests, and menus. Regards Muggemanden.
  3. 50ShadesOfUs. Alot of other mod menus, are using a diffrent kind of money hack. If u turn the feature on, and go to the "diamond" slot machine, u will win the grand prize everytime. Will that be featured in the feature?
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